Tuesday, September 25, 2018




SHAPE (definition).
•A shape is an area enclosed by a line. It could be just an outline or it could be shaded in.
•Shapes can be either geometric, like a circle, square or triangle, or irregular.
•When drawing shapes, you must consider the size and position as well as the shape of the area around it. The shapes created in the spaces between shapes are referred to as negative space.

Artist Research

Floris Neusüss

Floris Neusüss (born Lennep, Germany, 1937) has dedicated his whole career to extending the practice, study and teaching of the photogram. Alongside his work as an artist, he is known as an influential writer and teacher on camera-less photography. His works often deal in opposites: black and white, shadow and light, movement and stillness, presence and absence, and in the translation of three dimensions into two
Image result for floris neususs                                  Image result for floris neususs

Image Bank

These following Images are from my visual research.

The image is black and white to further enhance the shadows and light and therefore the shapes further being enhanced. The negative space Brandt has used is how the shapes are created in the image, for example he has cropped out parts of her face and parts of her body to create the triangular negative space you see in the image. I don't believe Brandt has taken the image to sexualise the model but to show how vulnerable women feel when they are sexualised. Brandt hasn't revealed all of the image as his aim is not to sexualise the model, but to show how she feels to be nude and open to other people. 

Related image
In this image negative space is used again to create a shape of an animal. The shadows and shapes from the models body are used to create an outline of an animal which is seen in the negative space of the image. The connotation of this image is to appeal to animal adoption and to show the love people have for their pets.

Contact Sheets

Best Images

I have selected the following images as I believe they best represent my idea of what shape is in photography. I think I found shape in intriguing objects and some interesting angles. 

Images that need improvement

I have selected these images because neither of them was thought out very well. The first images background isn't very clean or thought out, the exposure is also too bright in the back ground. The second image has too much negative space and is slightly blurry due being zoomed in so far, the slightest movement will make the image blurry. In future shoots I would use a tripod and to also make sure my background in my images are cleaner.

AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.
My idea for shape was to capture abstract shapes and to experiment cropping my images when taking photos. I feel i was successful with cropping in my first best image, it is also an unusual shape. This best image is in fact a corner of a bench. I was inspired by Floris Nuess to capture different shapes and angles which I believe I have successfully captured, for example in my second best image i feel it links with Floris the most as it is human form similar to his images. The variety of lines and shapes used to create her face make it intriguing and abstract.

AO2Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops

Camera Settings

Photo Shop

In this I decided to edit it black and white to darken an enhance the shadows and lines in the image, highlighting more shapes in the image.

In this image I wanted to enhance the beautiful blue sky, this helped to outline the various shapes within the clouds. The image was also a bit bright, to edit this I lowered the exposure.

AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding

The artist research was helpful to me as i was able to discover new angles, as floris photographs from beneath his objects, i tired capturing images from above. This research helped me by looking for new shapes and perspectives to create an abstract image, for example shadows and closer perspectives to crop the image and create shapes with negative space. I feel I need to extend the objects i am photographing and start taking photos of people to further link with Floris.

AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements. 

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