Thursday, September 13, 2018




A line represents a "path" between two points.
A line can be straight, curved, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or zigzag.
Lines imply motion and suggest direction or orientation.
A line can also be implied and is then filled in by the mind when several points are positioned geometrically within a frame.
The direction and orientation of a line can also imply certain feelings

  • Horizontal lines imply tranquillity, peace and harmony
Image result for line photography horizontal

  • Vertical lines imply power and strength.
  • Diagonal lines imply movement, action and change.
  • Curved lines or S shaped lines imply quiet, calm and sensual feelings.
  • Lines that converge imply depth, scale and distance - a fence or roadway converges into the distance provides the illusion that a flat two-dimensional image has three-dimensional depth.


Photographer: Walker Evans
Walker Evans was an American photographer and photojournalist best known for his work for the Farm Security Administration documenting the effects of the Great Depression. His main goal photographing for the FSA is said to be that as a photographer he wanted to make pictures that are "literate, authoritative, transcendent". Not only did Walker Evans take photos but he also wrote. He was born November 3rd 1903 and died April 10th 1975.

The images above were captured in black and white film, therefore creating a melancholy mood. This mood links with the Great Depression which Evans had to photograph. Using the black and white film also emphasises on the road markings and street signs, therefore being the main focus of the image. The arrows in the road imply direction and movement, along with the diagonal lines with the road marking "ONLY" which can suggest there being only one direction to travel.  

Image Bank

The following images were added as part of my visual research:

Related image

Image result for line photography

Image result for line photography

Related image
This above collection of photographs represent some of the images that I felt I could capture within Harlow.

Contact Sheets

Best Images 
I selected the following as my best images:

I have selected these following images as I believe, out of the images I took, they had the most interesting or best structured lines within the image. The camera was well positioned and kept still in all these images presented, giving the images a great composition and lines effect.

Images that need improvement

I have selected these images as my worst images as all have the wrong aperture, they are all too bright. They are all focused (or not focused at all) in the one parts of the image. To improve my images I could take more time into focusing the camera and setting the correct aperture for each of the images, as well as using a stand to stop images from becoming blurring due to the camera moving. If I were to shoot again I would insure all my camera settings are at their optimum and take more time when shooting my images.
My 8th image in my contact sheet links with the artists photography because of the road markings which are black and white similarly to Walker Evans photos. 

AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress
My idea for recording line was to photograph the urban landscape exploring different lines present such as curves, horizontal,vertical lines and leading lines. I was inspired from my research of Walker Evans' street images with regards to the geometry and composition. His use of lines and signs gave me an idea to photograph road markings within Harlow. Although most of my photos do not show road markings or signs in Harlow, my use of perspective and creativeness has successful captured lines in different parts of Harlow. One thing I'd improve with my shoot is that I need to follow my original ideas along with new ones, I need more images of road markings and signs in Harlow. 

My first best image of the pond in the food court has strong diagonal lines just like Evan Walkers. I can Photoshop it black and white and make the reflection of the water brighter, this will link with Evan Walkers photography further as it shows the contrast of black and white lines.

The image with the long grass was hard to capture as the grass kept moving with the mind. Although this photo doesn't link to Evan Walkers photography, the lines involved are creative and abstract.

For the other images, I found it hard to get straight images. The majority of my images are off centred and I believe with time and practise I can over come this and improve the composition of my images.

AO2Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops

Camera Settings

Image you talk about

If I re-shoot this again I would capture more images that link to the artist Evan Walker. I would also use a tripod to straighten my images and to also keep focus.

Photo Shop

 To further develop my images I plan to edit the images by lowering the exposure and removing the saturation to give it a black and white effect and to also make the white parts of the images stand out and highlight compared to the darker parts of the images.

In this image I used curves to make the road a lot darker compared to the white lines, this really highlighted the zebra crossing and lines in this image. I then made the image black and white and further made the road darker and the white lines lighter. I have done this to link with Evan Walkers black and white images, and to also clearly show where the lines are in the image.

AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.

The artist research was helpful as there are many road markings in Harlow to photograph. The research that helped the most was the various abstract images i found of line, these images helped me understand that perspective plays are big part of line photography. To extend my skills on this I tried my best to vary my perspectives when taking my photos.

AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.

I believe I have produced a successful line of images, these final images have been refined and altered to create the best photos I could do to my ability.

1 comment:

  1. a good post and for me close to a B, areas to focus on are as follows the edits are really good, the research post however seems to be a copy of the exemplar, please clarify. The final images are great, however one of the images needs to be developed further in terms of contrast.. so that the four images look similar.???
