Tuesday, October 2, 2018




Form is the shape or configuration of a 3D object.

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Artist Research

Sayaka Maruyama

Sayaka was born in Japan. At the age of 12 she moved to Holland with her family and that 3-year-stay in different culture influenced her in many ways especially in terms of art education. Sayaka Maruyama's practice traverses the mediums of photography, film, drawings, installation and performance. Drawing on classical Japanese references and Surrealist motifs, her work explores contradictory contemporary understandings of Japanese notions of beauty, from both Western and Eastern perspectives.

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Images that need Improvement

AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.

My intentions for form was to capture the variety of shapes and curves that can be seen within people, for example the contours of their face, and to also create a sense of the unknown.
I was inspired by Sayama because her images are quite abstract and made me question why she took the images she did and why she had the model the way she did. I also love working with flowers so linking the idea of human form and flowers was great inspiration for me. 

My image came out as I intended as you can see the shapes and forms in the models face and I also been able to include flowers in my shoot.

AO2Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops

The images above show my finished edit and a screen shot of the settings I used to get this finished look. For the image above I had only put a black and white layer on and then adjusted the colours to get a desired outcome. However in this image I can now see that I needed to use the blemish tool to remove any blemishes that are then enhanced by the black and white filter. This will be a mistake I learn from to help improve future images.

In the images above I decided to make the image black and white because I believe it adds a more fitting mood to the image than it does in colour. The image is quite mysterious as the viewer doesn't know whats behind the flowers and why the flowers would be held over her face. I adjusted the colours in the layer to create a more darker black and white image to keep consistent with the mood of the image.

AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.

The artist research of Sayaka Maruyama helped me develop intriguing images, all exploring the different ways form can be photographed. In my images you can't tell what is going on, the same being for Sayaka Maruyama, I used the forms of my model and the flowers I had, and also creating a sense of surrealism.

Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.  

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