Thursday, January 17, 2019

Composite Image Making

Composite Image Making 


Digital compositing: The process of digitally assembling multiple images to make a final image, typically for print.                                                                         

Physical Compositing 

Origins of digital compositing

Hannah Hoch

In this image, the picture has been made by physical composting. The connotations of this image can represent the unrealistic beauty standards of women as the image is clearly over exaggerated and no person would look like that. This links with womens beauty standards as the edited images you see today are unrealistic and no women would naturally look the way they do. 

Raoul Hausmann


Photographic techniques used to manipulate images: 
  • layers
  • clone stamp
  • airbrush 
  • healing brushes 
  • saturation 
  • dodging and burning 
  • curves
  • cutting and pasting
Image Bank 

Related image

Image result for compositing images surrealism

Artist Research
George Logan

Image result for george logan composite imagesImage result for george logan composite images

In these images the animals have been edited to look like mythical creatures, no person will ever see wings on a lion or a zebra. However, they've been photographed in their natural habitat and the editing is so good it almost looks as it could be possible to find these animals. Connotations of these images could almost be a warning about the extinction of the worlds animals. Zebras and lions are not endangered however, the idea that they are mythical creatures suggest that endangered animals are rare and mythical and soon they will no longer exist.

Trail Images ( not own images )

Final Edits ( Own photos used ) 

For this image I took the image of the ocean that I had taken from a birds eye view ( on a boat ) and then put it inside the eye to replace the original colour of the iris. I to clean up the edges and select where I wanted the ocean pattern to be and what parts of the eye I wanted on show I used a layer mask to get my desired shape. I then changed the opacity of the ocean layer so that it was more blended with the original eye.  I then decided that the image was too basic and that the ocean image did not fit as nicely as I had visioned, so i went into photoshop again and developed my image further. As a result I got the image below.

In this image, i decided to make it more quirky by duplicating the same image, this also then links further with digital compositing. For the ocean pattern in the eye I blended it more with the background by changing the layer to an "overlay" as shown in the screen shot below. 

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